10th August 2024

ECM 2024

Meet, play, eat.  In the company of fellow gamers - in aid of charity

What IS ECM?

For those that haven’t been to an ECM before – “What is it?”

It a non commercial event run by us, the community, to have a place to get together and share company, gaming, a bite to eat and a drink with fellow gamers.

It’s NOT a “programmme driven” event with formal panels, talks etc from a stage, NOR is it cluttered with stalls from commercial sponsors.

Whilst it began with Elite, & friends getting together from the Elite Dangerous playing community – over the years it just celebrates our hobbies in a wider sense.

What is there to do?
Whilst those of us helping organise it bring a lot – it REALLY hinges on you. If you’ve got a game you want to play, consider hosting it, whether that’s a board/card game, something on your computer or anything else.

As always there will be some multiplayer gaming courtesy of our retro area – things like manic games of MarioKart, Gangbeasts (always a laugh) for 4 players at a time on a shared screen. Our retro area is CHOC full of BBC Micro, Spectrum, Amiga, Atari classics. There’s an upright arcade machine for a bit of Streetfighter, Pacman and all that jazz.

The charities we support through this event

Helping people with physical disabilities access the world of gaming
Hearing Dogs - providing the assistance and company so many people with hearing difficulties face.

The ticket price goes to cover the costs of hosting the event - and every penny over and above the costs is split equally between the chosen charities.  Occasionally, as a result of a generous donation of equipment we add a third to these two main charities - as we did in memory of Paul Vernon in 2024.

The team

David a.k.a. Vingtetun

Hutton Trucker, HCS Lead Dev and ECM organiser

Jim a.k.a. Lithobreaker

Tech guru for the event and ECM organiser

CMDR A5ylum

Content wrangler and host

Mr Usher

Techno-necromancer of all things RETRO

CMDR Wotherspoon

Broadcaster & YouTube Legend

CMDR Morpheus

Without him - everything would fall to bits


Legendary Hearing Dog.  Rumours are his assistant Snos will be helping too

+ many more!

The event is built by YOU - the community and everyone chips in to help...